Friday, December 2, 2016

MadebyJoey Weekly challenge #141

The MadebyJoey weekly challenge  for November 28, 2016 was to "Finish my tile." The tile started with Alice Herndon's Pipez along the right side of the tile - you could finish it with any tangles you liked. I used Gneiss, Crescent Moon, and 'Nzeppel.

White Zentangle©  tile, 3.5" x 3.5" with black Pigma Micron pen.
I have a bit of a back log of completed tiles that I will put in another post. Someday. Eventually. Whenever. 


  1. You're outputting more than I at the moment! Keep up the good work. How did you decide what tangle to use and did you use a string?

  2. Beautifully done! Your shading is remarkable;-)
